Success starts from the mind, it goes to the thought, from your thought it moves to action from your action it becomes a character.
The world might have given up on you, and also you might have called yourself a failure. Remember friend, no one is like you in the whole universe, you alone can be you, what do I mean here, you are a unique of God, He created you in his image that why you cannot be a failure. How do I know you can’t be a failure?
Yes, of course you are worried about that situation because you know that there is something better ahead of you, that’s why you get restless and shy that you have not gotten what you need. Will you call that a “purpose” or a “failure”, well, you might call it failure but be it known to you, it is a purpose.
You have not failed, your present condition tells you, that you have somewhere or something to achieve. Believe or not what ever you call your child or pet that’s what it bears, therefore what ever you call that situation now that’s what it will turn out to be! Remember this always, success starts from the mind, if you can defeat that inferior being in you and allow that unique gene that won the battle over the thousands of reproductive cell to form you; your success is already achieved
Recite and think over this
Success is shy and timid it needs to be attracted
Success starts from the mind, it goes to the thought, from your thought it infects your action, from your action it becomes a character
Having a purpose generates energy (success or failure) using the energy in the right way with the failure as a stepping stone will prevent you from wasting time to make such mistake again and finally give you a view into the future
Don’t rush to conclude give this a thought