15 Sept 2012


Success starts from the mind, it goes to the thought, from your thought it moves to action from your action it becomes a character.

The world might have given up on you, and also you might have called yourself a failure. Remember friend, no one is like you in the whole universe, you alone can be you, what do I mean here, you are a unique of God, He created you in his image that why you cannot be a failure. How do I know you can’t be a failure?

Yes, of course you are worried about that situation because you know that there is something better ahead of you, that’s why you get restless and shy that you have not gotten what you need. Will you call that a “purpose” or a “failure”, well, you might call it failure but be it known to you, it is a purpose.

You have not failed, your present condition tells you, that you have somewhere or something to achieve. Believe or not what ever you call your child or pet that’s what it bears, therefore what ever you call that situation now that’s what it will turn out to be! Remember this always, success starts from the mind, if you can defeat that inferior being in you and allow that unique gene that won the battle over the thousands of reproductive cell to form you; your success is already achieved

Recite and think over this
Success is shy and timid it needs to be attracted

Success starts from the mind, it goes to the thought, from your thought it infects your action, from your action it becomes a character

Having a purpose generates energy (success or failure) using the energy in the right way with the failure as a stepping stone will prevent you from wasting time to make such mistake again and finally give you a view into the future

Don’t rush to conclude give this a thought
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The word lazy is an ill disease that has encroached our day, it has power that the world has failed to discover, It has a definition which moves mountain, it is like the atomic bomb very small but mighty in action, it is the key factor to unemployment. 

It is the key factor to poverty, it makes a nation be called third world, it make a man not to explore his potential, I love the word because of its power, don’t do the such except you are ready to define, understand, analyze, assimilate, create and overcome it.

It is like a fire in the petrol station destroying with tremendous pain, it can keep a man all his life, it causes fear, it causes discouragement, it is great a word that you need not to neglect, it propels a man to great height when you know him, it gives you wealth when you understand him, it gives you happiness when you can order him, he is such a great hero, that great men overcome to take his surname “great” because they were able to conquer him

 What a word, very mighty indeed, that it gives plausible excuses to men when it has engage them, it has taught men lying techniques, should I call lazy an institution, of course it is, it has courses in its curriculum like discouragement, disappointment, technique of prosponing to tomorrow, reasons you should not do it now, how to wait for the next moment, oh! It has lost and lost in its curriculum.

Hmmm… students in this school never graduate but their compensation in the school is “HAD I KNOWN” BLAME IT ON SOMEONE; then FAILURE AT ITS PEAK what a great school indeed. Instituted by the act of negligence, oh laziness I adore you because you maketh men that understand you great, to explore their potential but those that only know your name you hold captive.

 Dear friend point to ponder are you lazy or not, don’t rush to answer you need 24 hours to ponder over this if really you want a tip of the answer, a week to think out the answer if you really want to know him but your whole life to overcome this man, why lazy!? Must you be everywhere? Whey has you told me that this writing is not reasonable, suggesting to me all I have to do yet I am not doing them at all. Lazy breeds discouragement, discouragement breeds disappointment, disappointment breeds failure think over this is lazy synonymous with failure.

Don’t rush to conclude give this a thought
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14 Sept 2012


In any technical drawing or engineering drawing you must first of all make sure your pencils and all your drawing instruments are set

To draw angle 60 this are the steps to follow
  •  first of all draw your base line with faint line using your t-square
  • pick a point on the line and use it as your reference point say 'A'
  • pin you compass at this point and draw a semi circle on the line you have already drawn
  • with that same radius(any radius you prefer but it should be the same as that you used in drawing the semi circle stand at a one point of the semi circle and draw an arc to cut the semi- circle
  • using the centre of the semi circle and the point where the second arc cut the semi circle draw a line with a ruler passing through this points
  • this is the required angle comfirm it using your protractor
figure describing the steps of constructing angle 60 above

To draw angle 30 this are the steps to follow
  •  first of all draw your base line with faint line using your t-square
  • pick a point on the line and use it as your reference point say 'A'
  • pin you compass at this point and draw a semi circle on the line you have already drawn
  • with that same radius(any radius you prefer but it should be the same as that you used in drawing the semi circle stand at a one point of the semi circle and draw an arc to cut the semi- circle
  • using the centre of the semi circle and the point where the second arc cut the semi circle draw a line with a ruler passing through this points
  • bisect the angle you have constructed

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