Dont even trust urself.Wen a man lifts u up, it's defntely 2 d height of his hands, but wen GOD lifts u up it's limitles. sek HIM nw n 4sake all n b upliftd 4eva!Tel me abot d law of gravity whic states dat "anytin dat goes up must com down" n i'll intrduce u2 d law of aerodynamics whic states dat "it's posible dat somtin can go up n remain der"..B4 dis yr runs out, u shal find urself somwer dat u can't even bring urself down.Ur blesings shal neva com down, u shal neva fail, d law of gravity wil neva wrk in ur Finances, busines, family, al areas of ur lif.D devil is a liar. u may have goin tru tough tim in 2012 but God is getin ready 2 bles u in a way dat only He can. Kip d faith.D luv of God is lik d ocean,u can c its beginin, but nt d end. Welcome on board to 2013 the year of double portion
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