17 Feb 2013


Greetings to you my good friends, are you looking for a solution in your life endeavor, it is with a deep heartfelt of love that I choose to write you this epistle which says think twice I wish to use this medium to bring to your knowledge the power of second thought or “analysis” as some may call it, this tool is so effectual and with lots of potent that it propel many to great high In life we have many great destiny that have failed to succeed or reach their target because they lack this tool of life which is taking analysis on the thoughts and things which they want to perform, they are only concern on, if the plan will be favorable to them, the gain they will have from it and the possibility of getting there at a very short time which is short run/term benefit . forgetting or haven’t not discovered that God created and put them in this world to solve a problem of man and not really themselves as they think, hence this view of life has put them in a perpetual struggle in life. 

 What am I trying to say here, you are where you are today either because you are using the power of second thought or you are neglecting it, for instance when you want to perform a task say spending and you just have the urge of buying clothes and you cannot think of the benefit the clothes will have on you on the long run, and you only get concentrated on being the best or model in your locality fine , you have made a good choice but what effects will that have for you in the nearest future, is it in line with what God want for you.

 Don’t get me wrong here I am not saying that buying clothes are wrong or right but what I am trying to bring out here is what will that want or need at that present time add to your life and that of those around you in the nearest future are you only just satisfying your desire or you are doing solve a problem of your generation I am privileged to think of why are we still using our past scholars materials and knowledge to learn and improve on our technology and life, while our contemporaries scholars are not making such impart as those of the past centuries, for instance men like Aristole, Socrates, Franklin Benjamin, and the like have made and created impart in history that almost every one on the planet earth knows them or have a knowledge of their works, then the question is this  

                 "why is this not that way in our present generation", why are men of this our generation not making such imparts again"

but it wont be so callous of me to say that the cause is the thought of me, Myself, ourselves, us the more men think of what they will benefit in any act or deeds they are to perform they tend only to satisfy the needs that will add nothing to humanity but only their lives and as they live the planet earth such gains go with them then the question is this what do we do to make an impart in our generation 

1. Have a people thought, think of what you can do to alleviate the suffering of men in your generation

 2. Be a giver and not a receiver the more you give the more you are remembered Thanks for reading this I hope you are bless Do come back for more
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