17 May 2013


It is high time the question “WHO AM I” is being answered, these three lettered sentence looks common but has potent,

As someone who want to succeed you have to start realizing ‘the person that make your personality’, the better the question who am is answered the best way you start getting to your track(purpose) in life,

Therefore sit down and get over your cloak of pretense learn to call the color black, black or else you get color blind, it is not funny living in a room the house rent is greater than your income or buying a car worth of million while you are starving those are not asset I call it ‘COVER UP’

If you are poor it is better your realize it than covering up by either borrowing or stealing, learn to sit down and analyze your actions, behavior and attitude from day to day or else you go of track(miss your target/purpose in life)

If you don’t know who you are it applies you know not what to do consequently, you cannot also be lucky because you cannot also realize when opportunity comes for the kind of your person.

Moreover, when you start to “ASK YOURSELF WHO ARE MINE” you start realizing what you are made up, that is you begin to know why God created you.

Knowing who you are helps you to reach your destination because it is difficult to reach your destination without knowing where your are coming from or going to(that is having a defined purpose)

Have it in mind that an unexamined life is not worth living.

How do I know who I am?

The first step to take in order to solve a problem is to realize that there is one and then define the problem, this can be done by seeking for the causes of that problem, know those that it affects, knowing the economic importance if it is solved, also look at the effects of the solution you about to proffer

Hence to know who you are these are steps I have come up with, in order to help you discover the genius in you


Create time to meditate
Tell your self the truth
Take what you have discover

Think about it

Thanks for being there do come back for more
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16 May 2013


In order to make learning more easy and enjoyable, we have come up with this site to teach you the basics of every information and field you need to achieve your dream goal

          Here I will be giving you the simple code(program) that will compute three times table using a fortran 90/95 compiler
Before I proceed forward I will like to say don’t be afraid if you are actually looking for fortran 75 code this is because in this tutorial I will show you how to manipulate this codes to your desired
          In writing program for a particular problem, all you have to do is to think of the possible means of solving the problem given to you but before doing that you have to first of all define the problem

What do I mean by defining problem?

          In life is it said that ‘purpose if not know abuse is inevitable’ this applies to programming, therefore in order to write a program for a given problem you have to think of what the problem wants to achieve, the steps it will follow, the tools or logic that will be applied and finally how to implement it (environment)
After defining the problem set out think of possible ways to solve the defined problem, then implement the ways thought out

Compute three time table from one to hundred
In this program I made use of do construct, here the do construct starts from one, steps by one and terminates at hundred
The program is as written below

                 !this program produce three times table
                                      program     TTTable
                                      implicit       none
                                       integer :: i
                                              do i=1,100,1
                                              print *, 3*i
                                              end do
                                              end program Table

will in the case of fortran 75 replace in the program above (print*,3*i) with (write (**), 3*i
 hope the program helped you do come back for more and also leave your comments

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13 May 2013



    A story tells that friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had and argument and one friend slapped the other on the face.
The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand; ‘TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE’.   
They kept on walking until they found an Oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered him from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone, “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE’’

   The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him,
after i hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone, why?” The other friend replied, “When someone hurt us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.    
But, when someone does something good to us, we should engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.                                           

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